I can not believe we are on to Part Four of the New Iberia Haunts series with Louisiana Spirits but here it is! Last Saturday, July 23, we were able to investigate the old post office building on Main Street in downtown New Iberia with a few members of The Acadiana Chapter, along with Mr. Armond, his wife and daughter.
When I got to the post office it was absolutely beautiful outside with the sun setting in the background. It was a busy night along Main Street as the traffic whizzed by, but I was able to talk a bit with the team and Mr. Armond and his daughter while the team set up cameras and equipment in various spots throughout the building.
Donna and Melinda, members of the Acadiana Team were working to set up the new cameras that were to be used for the night. I asked about using the new cameras and how long it took for them to get adjusted and as they both said, "We just learn as we go!" I like that attitude! Donna's son, Hunter was also there with us working on the investigation as well as Terri, a new trainee from the team in the Baton Rouge area.
There were a total of four cameras placed around the building: one in the basement, on the staircase in the reception area, one in the side office that was formally the Post Master's office, and one in the back office. The back office is where I am told that some of the workers always seem to get an uneasy feeling. There were also rem pods in the basement and in the offices.
Image by Tracie Ysaguire |
While we were still setting up, the rem pod in the back office was going off and no one was in there. It was sporadic and the lights in the office were on even though we still had plenty of sunlight throughout the building. At that point, we also had not put all our phones on airplane mode and since they were still setting up, they decided to move the rem pod for a bit. We are still not sure why that rem pod was going off, but this was the beginning of an active night in that one spot of that back office.
One of the team members did a K2 swipe around the office and the building and did not get any hits. Remember, the K2 meter is used to determine if there are any EMFs, (electromagnetic field radiation) fluctuations or spikes in the area. For instance, if you hold it in front of the printer or a computer, the meter will go off and signal how strong the spike range is. After about 20 minutes, the team decided to put the rem-pod back in that same office and see if anything else happen during the night. Something did happen again in that same office later that night, so keep reading to find out what!
Back of the Old Post Office on Main Street New Iberia July 23, 2022 Image by Tracie Ysaguire |
The building is quite beautiful inside and now operates as Schwing Insurance Agency. I learned that this building was actually the first commissioned federal building between Houston and New Orleans in 1899 when it was first discussed as to where this location would be.
I can only imagine the 50-plus years of emotions that came through those doors while the building was in operation as a post office! Mothers waiting for letters from their sons away at war, pen pal letters to friends and family around the country, and the parcels and goods to keep being delivered to the residents in New Iberia well stocked.
As the sun faded, we begin our investigation in the front reception area. Melinda lead the investigation and questions while the recorders were running. It was very quiet. After about 30 minutes, the team decided to put the light-up cat toys in a few rooms and continue with the questions. It was then that the toy placed in the same back office that gave us some raised eyes with the rem-pod began to go off. Hunter went into the room to make sure no one was in there and checked to make sure the toy ball was not touching the wall. It wasn't. The toys lit up twice before I was able to catch them on video with my iPhone. Watch that video here!
After a bit, we decided to break into small groups of two and sit in different rooms in the building. It was during this time that I learned that 3 generations of the Schwing family have worked and operated the business in these offices. Again, this offered more validation of the connection and emotions that are tied to this beautiful old building.
Each of the teams had different experiences during the rest of the investigation. One team got a response to a direct question in the old postmaster's office with one of the light-up cat toys which is always exciting! As we began to wrap up the investigation for the night, we decided to do one last group discussion in the back office that seemed to be so active. While we were all heading to the office, Donna jumped up as she had something show up on the SLS (structure light sensor) cameras. Of course, this is the same area where the light-up toy went off an hour earlier.
The SLS camera can recognize human-like shapes based on the movements and it seems a figure popped up on the screen while Donna was monitoring the cameras. It was as if someone was moving in that room but we had not made it back there. She was not able to find anything or anyone back there as she scanned the room with the SLS equipment again. We asked a few questions as a group and waited for any responses or captures with the equipment, but things were beginning to quiet down so Melinda called it a wrap.
I enjoyed this investigation and I was so happy that I was able to catch some activity on my iPhone! And a big thank you to Mr. Armond, his wife, and daughter for joining in on the investigation, allowing us in their building, and sharing a little bit of their family history with us!
As you are reading this, we are preparing to add to our New Iberia Haunts series! Part Five features another town that is part of our Macaroni KID New Iberia area! We will take part in an overnight investigation with Louisiana Spirits at The Centerville Steamboat in on August 6th. Not only will we participate in training class and four-hour investigation, but we will also be sleeping site!
Make sure to stay tuned to our series to find out what happens!
If you have a place or a recommendation that you would like to submit to us for the
New Iberia Haunts series, then be sure to send us a message!
We will let Louisiana Spirits know and get your location on the list!